Have questions? Call us at 714-290-1005
1-3 Accounts maintained including checking, savings, credit card accounts & Up to 300 transactions per month included.
4-7 Accounts maintained including checking, savings, credit card accounts & Up to 750 transactions per month included.
7-10 Accounts maintained including checking, savings, credit card accounts & Up to 1,500 transactions per month included.
The Profitability Program is a snapshot in time of the health of your business. It is a complete analysis of your data and financials right now.
Below are a few areas we analyze:
Growth & Revenue
What is your year over year increase percentage?
What/who are your top revenue drivers? You’re lowest?
Profit Margins
What is the true profitability of your service or product’s unit value?
What needs to change to increase these margins?
Cash Flow & Spending
When is the last time you did a cost cutting exercise?
What upcoming costs do you need to prepare for?
How healthy is your cash flow, how much operating income do you need to have?
How strong are your collections process to get money in the door as quickly as possible?
How leveraged is your company?
Are you paying high interest debt?
What would it take to be debt free?
Once complete you will be given a dashboard and worksheet containing all your info broken down, analyzed and presented to you in a manner that will help you make keen decisions.
Our experts analyze 12-months of your financial data to show EXACTLY where every penny is going and provide expert strategies on how to improve your financial health and future profitability!
Executive analysis including our complete presentation of findings and suggestions.
Detailed financial dashboard summary.
Financial templates you can use going forward.
Ready to start saving cash and resources? Schedule a free consultation
to learn how to get started, no strings attached.